pearl(my cat),dolls, manga, fantasy, fashion, plants and games


HOSPITALS, doctors, most bugs, hot weather, mickey mouse

(Important) ..... ..TO KNOW..

i am chronically ill so have that in mind if i am not that active at times im also neurodivergent so take that in account when speaking 2 me pls

(Rules) ..... ..STAY AWAY..

use slurs that you cant reclaim, homophobic, ableist, racist, use my deadname, misogynistic, jokes ab sa, nicknames like whore/bitch/slut and ppl who sterotype ppl with bpd


stardew valley, idv, needy streamer overload, minecraft, nintendo games, d4dj and visual novels!

..Characters i relate with..

Rina Tennoji, Hitori Gotoh, Nana Komatsu, Yui (ab), Emilia(Re Zero), Futaba Sakura, Hotaru Tomoe, Poison Ivy, Zelda

..Interests i have..

i love magical girl animes, love live, d4dj, sailor moon, nana, the magica franchise, houseki no kuni, dolls!!, clamp!!